How Do I Know If I Have Three-Phase Power or Single-Phase?

If you are planning to install solar power, you have most likely been doing some digging around the internet. You quickly learn that one of the most important components of a solar system is the inverter. You need to pick either a single-phase or a three-phase inverter. However, if you do not know whether your home uses two-phase or three-phase power, you are not alone. Over 0% of Australians have no clue either.

However, if you are interested in knowing, it is quite easy. Here are some of the methods you can use to tell whether your home uses two-phase or three-phase power.

Check Your Meter

Try to find the location of your electricity meter. In most cases, you will find that the type of electricity supply you receive is written on the meter. In some cases, there will be some accompanying text on the face of the meter. However, the words three-phase or two-phase are usually included there. There is no standard way to write this but you should find the words if you look carefully.

Call the Power Company

If you find looking at the meter box to be too complex, there is a simpler way to find out. Make a call to the power company. In most cases, they will ask you one or two details and inform you what type of power they supply to your home in seconds. To ensure they can help you quickly, ensure that a copy of your latest power bill is in your hand. They will ask you for details from the bill and provide you with the information you need.

Check the Main Switch

Visit the electrical switchboard in your home and look for the main switch. It will be labeled as pole wide or 3-poles wide. If the main switch is labeled 1-pole wide, you have single-phase power. Alternatively, it means you have a three-phase power supply if your main switch is labeled 3-poles wide.

Check the Service Fuse

A visual assessment of the service fuses is another simple way to check the power supply to your home. However, in some homes, checking the service fuses might not be easy since they are not usually located below the electricity meter. If there is only one service fuse, it means you receive single-phase power. Alternatively, if there are three service fuses, it means you receive three-phase power.

Ask Online

Take a photo of your fuse box and electric meter and post online. There are numerous forums, including your usually social media platform where you will get answers. In just a few minutes, someone will tell you about the power supply your home receives with valid reasons.

Check Existing Appliances

If you have an HVAC system or other appliance in your home that is quite powerful, the only way it works is with three-phase power. You can check the manufacturer s site to confirm that it only runs on three-phase power. It means that your home is connected to 3-phase power.


Identifying the type of power supply in your home is important as you research for the best solar components to use in your home. However, even if you do not know the answer, the solar installation technician will provide you with the installation.